Monday, February 18, 2013

Winter Jam 2013!!

Thaaaaaaaaaat's right, I went to winter jam with a bunch of my friends! (wow homeschoolers have friends?!) we got seats on the floor instead of in the stands, so the base was amazing and we were pretty close to the stage! I haven't been to winter jam in a really long time, and this time was so much better! Two of my friends and I even got to meet the members of Red, and they signed our shirts! They gave an amazing performance, and were super nice as well! I'll admit, I was singing along at the top of my lungs when they sang Not Alone, not very well probably, but thankfully for my friends, I couldn't really be heard over the music. Waiting in line was FREEZING cold, but my mum brought everyone starbucks hot chocolate and glow sticks, much to the envy of the other people in line. But it was warm inside so it was alright. I ended up taking about 360 pictures over the course of the night, my bestie and I were running around trying to get good shots, and constantly getting shooed out of isles by attendants.  (we werent supposed to stand in the isles for some reason. rebellious homeschoolers? what is this madness? :P) We were standing or walking around the ENTIRE time, so my feet were dead by the end of the night. Then on the way home almost everyone passed out because it was reallllllly late! But it was a ridiculous amount of fun, and I'm definitely hoping to go again next year!

Yeah, Jason Castro was there. In coral colored pants. Be jealous :P

The guitar player of royal tailor was wearing a sequin-y suit jacket and a BOW TIE. Could he get any cooler? 

I hadn't heard of capital kings before this, but I quite liked them!

Oh see those guys sitting in front of the drums? Thats tobymac and his rapper!

I was flipping out over the lighting, it was so crazy!

Oh yeah, did I mention there was a disco ball? :D

A lot of people got really into new song!

Red was amazing, just saying (again)

I mean seriously. So awesome!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blind Date With a Book!

My library is doing this thing called blind date with a book (and no, it doesn't actually have anything to do with a date!) If you have a pintrest you may have heard of it, but its where they wrap a bunch of books in brown paper, and you have to check one out without knowing what it is! Then you open it (the most exciting part!) and read it. Once you've read it, you fill out a review and return it! Its lots of fun, and will encourage you to read books that you might not otherwise. For example, I got a anime book, which isn't something I would normally pick out, but I'm going to try it! 

 It helps that the librarians made the covers really cute, don't you think? :)

My thoughts exactly! :P

This was the best part, It was really satisfying to rip it open!

                                     The review that you fill out. Even the review sheet is adorable!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Oh Joy, Its Monday. Again.

Well my weekend was completely stuffed. I had at least one event to go to every single day, soccer games, basketball games, mall trips, then I volunteered this morning, and made cupcakes to take to co-op tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm exhausted! But its a good exhausted, because I had tons of fun! Next weekend will be just as crazy, I have a formal, I'm taking the SAT (I'm so NOT excited about that) and I'll be going to a concert! So I will actually have something to talk about. :P so until then, enjoy your week lovelies! :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

In Which You Find Out I'm A Bit Of A Tv Show Geek

So I did a post talking about some fantasy books I liked, so this time, I decided to talk about TV shows I enjoy. Alright, the main one I like, the best sci-fi show of all time, that's been running for 50 years now...... Doctor Who! :D While I sadly do not have BBC america, I do have netflix. I am truly obsessed with this show. Its amazing, it has so many plot twists, the writers are fantastic (if a bit evil, a.k.a. Moffat! *shakes fist*) and while a lot of it is hilarious, there can be some great morals in them! And yes, I own a few DW T-shirts. As well as over christmas I acquired the eleventh doctor's sonic screwdriver (I already had the tenth doctor's). For non-whovians, a sonic screwdriver is basically a screwdriver that has been upgraded so it is "sonic", meaning it works based on sound. The main character, the Doctor, is almost never without his trusty sonic screwdriver, which works on just about anything. (just not wood) It is my all-time favorite TV show, Its absolutely brilliant and I'd highly recommend it to anyone, and if you are a sci-fi fan, its a perfect show for you. Another really good show, that my friend just got me addicted to, is Merlin. Its a great show, especially if you are a big fan of the stories of King Arthur and the knights of the round table. While its not always factually correct, and it can be a bit cheesy at times, the stories are great, and so are the characters. I'm not as far into Merlin as I am with DW but its proving to be another highly addictive TV show. I'll mention about one more, Downton Abbey. And I have watched all the episodes out of this one, from the first season, to the most current episode this past sunday. Its set in britain in the 1900's, so if you are a fan of pride and prejudice, or emma, you will probably enjoy this. My favorite characters are probably Matthew (so predictable, I know) and Carson (yes the butler, he's awesome). Thats all for now, but I should warn you, all of these shows can be addicting, and I am not responsible for you staying up to finish all six seasons in a row, thats sort of what I did. :P Allons-y! 

     ^This is a picture I took of my eleventh doctor's sonic screwdriver. Ignore the random bokeh in the background, its just my christmas lights :P and yes those are toms flags :D

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I Get To Try New Things! (Which Makes Me Very Happy)

Iv'e never watched the super bowl. Not once in my life. Sorry football fans, but Iv'e just never wanted to watch it. Iv'e also never been to someone's house to watch the super bowl. Tomorrow, I will do both! And I'm actually sort of excited! I'm obviously not a huge football fan, I prefer horseback riding (yes, that is a sport!) but I think it sounds like fun! I also get to try out my new recurve bow. Yeah thats right, a recurve bow! Its. Gonna. Be. Awesome. I have always liked archery, since lotr, so I'm glad I have amazing grandparents who got me a bow for christmas! So tomorrow will be full of new experiences, and I'm looking forward to it! Plus the new episode of downton abbey is on, and we all know that makes the whole day better! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Random Music Post, Yay!

Oh my goodness, I adore the Les Miserables soundtrack. I'm even considering purchasing it on itunes (horrifying, I know) The songs are amazing, although "Do You Hear The People Sing" is firmly stuck in my head. I keep catching myself humming it at random points during the day. I still love it. I also love it when string groups do arrangements of the songs. This one guy on youtube did a medley of four of the Les Mis songs, and it was gorgeous! Oh and here's a random picture and quote that don't apply to this post at all, woohoo! :D 

"Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else." -Mark Twain