Saturday, September 1, 2012

San Fransisco!

So recently i went to san francisco! i had an amazing time. we went and saw ghiradelli square, rode a trolley car, and of course visited the golden gate bridge! i took tons of pics! heres a few!

                                        Alcatraz! sorry for the bad quality, it being san fran, there was tons of fog

                                         my sister couldnt resist getting some ghiradelli chocolate!
                                   ^cliche foggy golden gate bridge shot :P

                                         these fruits were really cool looking! im not exactly sure what they were....

                                      ^ this place was amazing!

Monday, June 18, 2012

OBX tripppp!

so i got to go to the outer banks recently! it was so nice and the weather was gorgeous. i got so tan from being at the beach so much! if you've never been i highly recommend it as a vacation spot. just go early so you miss the traffic! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

8 MM movies!

So it seems like this blog is sort of becoming a photography blog.....anyways my grandpa recently found a bunch of old 8 MM movies while cleaning out my great-grandma's garage. my dad happened to have a projector lying around so we got to watch a bunch of them! even though they did not have sound it was still so cool to see all the old family movies. 

Friday, May 25, 2012


So I finally got to go to the beach with my bestie hannah and we basically took pictures the entire time! It was so much fun! also she showed me how to have my camera bark instead of a shutter noise when I take  a picture. I'm pretty sure she knows more about my camera then i do but I think i am getting better!

Monday, May 7, 2012

color me rad! (continued)

So The race color me rad was yesterday. and quite frankly volunteering was AMAZING. i had such a great time. although getting up at six to be ready for the race wasn't fun. Next year i hope i can actually run in it!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Liberty University!

So I recently got to go to Liberty University with my Co-op! we have a large choir so we were in the area giving concerts and as a side field trip we got to tour Liberty! we took a walking tour and went to the gift shop (my Friend got a liberty tee and a where's waldo book) and got to sit in on the college choir class! the campus is really pretty and you can walk everywhere. I had a great time! one of the places we got to sing at when we were there was a really nice retirement home. It was so nice to bring a smile to their faces and they really seemed to enjoy it. The whole trip was just awesome.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Hi there! I decided to start a blog. I feel kind of weird doing this but a few of my friends were starting blogs and it seemed fun. So, as you probably guessed from the title I am a teenager, who is homeschooled. I like   playing violin, cooking, and horseback riding. Um I'm not exactly sure what kind of stuff i will be posting on here, probably just random stuff but i hope you like it!