Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Trip! (yes, I was traveling, Again)

 My homeschool music co-op went on a trip to Asheville N.C.! The bus ride was crazy long (nine. and. a. half. hours. oh. my. gosh.), but it was so worth it! We gave concerts in retirement homes, and it was amazing to see the joy our songs brought to the residents. Seeing all their smiling faces and hearing how happy they were to have us perform was more then enough reason to ignore how exhausted I was and how gross my voice sounded. We also got to perform on the steps of the Biltmore, which was so cool, we sang while people were getting on and off tour busses. Then we got to tour the Biltmore, which was crazy epic,  but sadly no photography allowed inside the house, so no pics. But I got some of the grounds around the house, which. were. absolutely. gorgeous. can I just live there? plus a two-story library, with spiral staircase to the second level? I was drooling a little I think. Did I mention theres an indoor bowling alley AND an indoor heated pool with underwater lighting and diving platform? Other then the fact that there was like, 20 billion stairs, It was amazing. And there was a bakery, with food, Yummmmm. My friends and I got croissants :D A place we went for fun was this thing called fun depot, with laser tag, rock climbing, go-carts, mini-golf, and arcade games somehow gloriously squished under the same roof. I almost fell over when we walked in, it was crazy awesome. plus our group had unlimited arcade games for an hour. My friend and I went crazy with some shooting game where you kill robots. I had a mini-gun. He had grenades. Needless to say it was amazing. Even the place we stayed was pretty cool, with a gym to play volleyball and really nice rooms. All in all, I had a flipping fantastic time! I was dead on the way home of course, and I'm still pretty tired, but it was my last year and so worth it! 

The Biltmore (view from the front lawn)

This picture was entirely accidental, and I wasn't even looking through the viewfinder, but I like how it turned out! :D

Guys, thank gosh, there was a coffee shop! (plus my friend has adorable mittens, they're squirrels!)

I'm getting somewhat used to doing lens flares on my new nikon, I think

I can't believe how great the lighting was on the bus, at 6 in the morning!

I'm so jelly of the Biltmore's backyard. I'll take two.

The architecture was also gorgeous!

another example of the amazing architecture! this is the front gate!

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