Wednesday, January 30, 2013

In Which You Find Out I'm A Bit Of A Book Geek

Hello again! I thought it would be pertinent to talk about some book series I'm a fan of, because of the new Hobbit movie that came out! And because I read ALL the time. Also I thought the movie was pretty well done, although not necessarily up to par with the original trilogy. Where they decided to end it just killed me. It was a bit predictable, in my opinion. JRR Tolkien is one of my favorite authors, The Hobbit was a fantastic book, which I would highly recommend reading, especially if you are planning on seeing the movie. Another of my favorite fantasy authors is Christopher Paolini, who wrote the Inheritance Cycle (he was also home schooled, like me, yay!) . Personally I think its a brilliant set of books, I own all four, and read them on a regular basis. I read the first book, Eragon, so much the cover fell off and I had to fix it with duct tape! The movie, however, was horrid. The facts are so messed up, the characters have completely different personalities, and they invented a scene that wasn't anywhere in any of the books. I watched it once, and was so disgusted with it, i've never watched it again. I could talk all day about books, but I'll stop now :P Also I just realized I only talked about fantasy books. Oops. Well maybe Ill do a follow-up post or something. *wiggles eyebrows mischievously*

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