Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hair + Nails

    Woo hoo, three posts, three days in a row! What is this?! Sorry guys, don't get used to it :P I have lots of pictures. Although, I am possibly going hiking this weekend, so that's probably when I'll post   next. But enough about that, this post is about my hair ( yes, again ) and nails for today! My outfit is just a bumming it at home all day outfit, so no pics of it! But I did my nails, using a new pen, and one of my favorite colors/ brands of nail polish. And my hair I curled yesterday for school, then ended up wearing it in a messy bun, because I didn't like it. But after wearing it up in another messy bun all day, when I took it down, I loved it! so weird. So I haven't done anything to it, except for failing at curling it yesterday. I got a curling wand for christmas, so I'm still getting used to it. I used to curl my hair like once a year, and it was with a regular barrel curler. And my mom did it for me. So needless to say, some days it curls amazingly, others I just have a lion's mane!

My tank top is actually used to be a hugely oversized T-shirt my mom got for me at the thrift store, because it said london on it. So I turned it into a tank top. Maybe I'll do a tutorial for it, next time I make one? Oh, and I got a new mirror, yay! And it's Frank again :)

I had to get one "artsy"photo in there somewhere :P

I keep this verse in my bathroom, as a reminder

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's eyes." 1Peter 3:3-4 

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